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OpenSign™ Drive Interface Documentation


This documentation provides an overview of the OpenSign™ Drive interface, detailing its key features, user interface elements and functionality. OSD

Interface Elements

  • Navigation Bar: At the top, displaying the current directory ("OpenSign™ Drive >").
  • Toolbar:
    • +: Button to add new documents.
    • Sort Options: Dropdown to sort files by criteria such as date.
    • View Options: Toggle between list and grid views.

File Organization

  • Documents: Represented by icons with a red PDF symbol.
    • Status Indicator: Colored dots on the PDF icons represent the document status (e.g., green for 'complete').
  • Folders: Represented by yellow folder icons.

Document Information Popup

  • Activated by hovering on a document, displaying the following details:
    • Title: The name of the document.
    • Status: Current status of the document (e.g., "Draft", "In-progress", "Completed", "Rejected" & "Expired").
    • Created Date: The date the document was created or uploaded.
    • Additional Notes: Any pertinent notes or descriptions.

File and Folder Labels

  • Labels: Below each icon, providing the name of the file or folder.
  • Status Labels: Next to file labels, indicating additional status information.

Interaction Patterns

  • Click: Select files or folders.
  • Right-click: Access context-specific actions.

Accessibility Features

  • Status Colors: Visually distinct colors for quick status recognition.
  • File Icons: Large and clear with significant visual cues (PDF symbol).

Version Information

This interface is current as of 15/01/2024. It is subject to change with future updates to the OpenSign™ Drive.

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